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New York:
New Jersey:
G & M Moving and Storage Corp.

We want to ensure that your move is stress free. We take the guess work out of move. Complete a Guestimate today to get started.
G & M MOVING AND STORAGE CORP. STATEN ISLAND, NY 10306 Contact Us: 1877-539-5185 or Info@gm-masc.com Liscensed and Registered : USDOT 2420083 / MCC 833481
G & M Moving and Storage Corp. takes great pride in moving your items. At time is can be hard to determine how to best protect your move.
Below we provide you will information so that you can make an informed decision when protecting your items.
Understanding your options is your best protection. This is why we provide you with the resources to make the right decision for yourself.
Types of Insurance
We want to ensure that your move goes well. We like to provide you with information on your insurance options, so that you can educate yourself and understand how to protect the items you value the most. While we take great care in moving your valuable's it is always important for you to make sure your that you are aware that you have options available to you.

Per Pound Per Article Valuation
This is provided by G & M Moving and Storage at no cost to the customer. In the event of loss or damage, the total amount you will be entitled to recover is $.30 per pound per article. For example, if a lamp that weighs ten (10) pounds is damaged, the most you can recover is $3.00, regardless of the value of the lamp. This ordinarily does not provide protection for your goods. Written Binding Estimates provide $.60 per pound per article evaluation.

Additional Valuation
If you wish to be paid depreciated value for lost or damaged items, you must declare a lump sum value for the entire shipment and pay and extra charge ($.50 cents per $100 valuation) depending on the value of declaration. For example, if the entire shipment is valued at $6000.00, the additional cost would be $30.00

Full Replacement Value
Full Replacement Value Insurance - We recommend an insurance company that offer full replacement value moving insurance direct to the shipper. Baker International . Full Replacement coverage is more comprehensive coverage than valuation, and generally offers more options ( deductible levels, higher coverage). This coverage option is a bit more involved, and needs to be obtained prior to the actual move day.

Certificate of Insurance
G & M Moving and Storage Corp. maintains in excess of $750000 dollars work of General Liability Insurance, as well as required Disability and Worker's Compensation insurance Coverage. Nearly every residential building with an elevator will require insruance certificates prior to any work performed on the premises. The amount of insurance a company carries is an important factor when choosing a mover. We maintain a substantial amount so that you can rest assure you are in good hands.